I’m a PhD student at the Computational and Biological Learning Lab (CBL) at Cambridge, supervised by Adrian Weller and advised by Carl Edward Rasmussen and José Miguel Hernández-Lobato. I also collaborate with incredible researchers from Basis, MIT, Cornell, Princeton, Google, and Oxford.
I obtained an MSc in Advanced Computer Science from Oxford, and a BSc in AI from Edinburgh, where I graduated top of my cohort.
I am broadly interested in driving substantial advancements in humanity’s development. To this end, I pursue the complementary goals of developing generally capable, sequential decision-making agents (AGI) and understanding human intelligence, by better integrating representation, learning, and reasoning, while drawing on different traditions in AI research, including formal languages, probabilistic modeling, and machine learning.
Beyond this, I like to seek truth and beauty as they are found in nature, maths, and arts.